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Membership is the lifeblood of all volunteer organizations, including veterans service organizations.  Members are needed to help make decisions regarding our activities, and support our programs and events.  DAV Chapter #3 has more than 600 members.  We greatly appreciate our current members while we welcome new people to the organization.  Together, we truly fulfill the DAV mission of Keeping the Promise to America's Veterans.

These Members Have Recently Joined Adam Klein Chapter #3

Paul Martin

Thomas Leingang

Albert Olson

LeRoy Miller

William Bemman

Gerald Brennan

Richard Hoffman

Roger Gisinger

James Letzring

Francis Gasper

Richard Gisinger

Bruce Bitterman

Gary Jorde

William Thompson

Donald Saylor

Floyd Miller

John Zacher

Ricky Wutzke

Jascon Rundquist

Darren King

Larry Sailer

Larry Tessmer

Douglas Coleman

Christopher Smith


Mark Roningen

Gary Doll

Dennis Larson

Buell Reich

Earl Hannel

Bryan Diede

Gary Maddock

Clyde Ereth

Derrick Job

Kevin Tengesdal

Jason Cook

Torger Soma

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